OHANEZE Ndigbo, the apex Igbo socio –cultural organization, has dissociated itself from the activities of the Biafra agitators, who had been protesting in many cities in the South East and South –South, saying that Biafra died in 1970 with the surrender by General Philip Effiong, to the Nigerian troops.
Addressing reporters in Awka Friday, the chairman, Forum of State Presidents of Ohaneze in the seven Igbo –speaking states, Dr. Chris Eluomunoh said that no right thinking person would support what he called the madness by some youths, who were being deceived to engage in something they cannot finish.
He said: “You will notice that Ohaneze has been very silent on the issue of Biafra insurgency, though the youth wing of Ohaneze has been speaking on it. Ohaneze, as the Igbo cultural group, cannot support Biafra and we dissociate ourselves from it totally.

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