A customary court in Igando, Lagos state Thursday dissolved a two year old marriage over the wife’s constant checking of her husband’s phone. 35 year old engineer, Andrew Epu had dragged his 32 year old wife, Tina, before the court, asking for a divorce. According to Epu, Tina was always in the habit of checking his phone and accusing him of cheating.

"My wife is always checking my phone to know who I called or who called me. If the person happened to be a woman, she will be accusing me of dating the person. I am tired of her behaviour, as I can no longer speak to ladies anymore except men. My wife once sent hired killers after me but I escaped and also on Oct. 26, her brother and his gang attacked me and beat the hell out of me. I am tired and cannot bear it any longer."
He added that his wife had denied him sex for months and had packed out of his house since Sept. 26th this year.
“Tina packed out of my house with my car, fridge, generator, gas cooker and other household items. “She later called me to inform me that she had packed out of my house that she was no longer interested in the marriage.” Epu asked for the marriage, which had not produced any child, to be dissolved.
His wife Tina denied all allegations, adding that she is still in love with Epu and is not ready to divorce him. She insisted that her husband is having an affair.
"My husband is having affair with his staff and students and that is why he hates me touching his phone. Whenever I questioned him about what I saw on his phone, fight will follow.”
According to her, she never denied her husband sex nor threatened his life with hired killers. She said that she did not pack her husband’s property that she only went away with her own property.
Delivering judgment, the President of the court, Mr Adegboyega Omilola, granted Epu's request and annulled the marriage.
"Since the petitioner insisted on divorce after several interventions, the court has no choice than to dissolve the union in spite of the fact that the wife still claims she loves her husband.” Omilola pronounced the marriage dissolved. He said the couple ceased to be husband and wife “and both are free to go your separate ways without any hindrances and molestation.”

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