US President Barack Obama has reiterated his belief
that Donald Trump is unfit to assume the highest
office in the land saying he always talks about policies
he can't implement and dishes out wacky,
contradictory or uninformed ideas.
His statements come after Donald Trump criticized
him saying Russia's Putin was a better leader than he
"People start thinking behavior that in
normal times we would consider completely
unacceptable and outrageous becomes
normalized," Obama said on Thursday during
a news conference at the tail end of his visit
to Laos. People start thinking that we should
be grading on a curve," he said.
"But I can tell you from the interactions I
have had over the last eight or nine days with
foreign leaders that this is serious business.
You actually have to know what you are
talking about and you actually have to have
done your homework, When you speak, it
should actually reflect thought-out policy you
can implement."
Obama said last month that Trump was unqualified to
succeed him as commander in chief, and reiterated his
view Thursday.
"Every time he speaks that opinion is
confirmed," Obama said. I think the most
important thing for the public and the press
is to just listen to what he says and follow-up
and ask questions about what appear to be
either contradictory or uninformed or
outright wacky ideas."
Obama insisted his plan to close the naval prison at
Guantanamo Bay could be accomplished before he
leaves office in January, despite a resistant from the
"I expect to work very hard over the next
four and a half months, I continue to believe
Guantanamo is a recruitment tool for
terrorism.There is no doubt that because of
the politics in Congress right now, it is a
tough road to hoe," Obama conceded
Thursday. "

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