Donald Trump has blasted US President Barack
Obama saying saying Russia's president Putin is more
of a leader than Obama. According to Trump, Putin
has a very 'strong hold' of his country unlike Obama.
During a NBC TV interview conducted on Wednesday
night, where he and Hillary Clinton were being
quizzed separately on national security and military
matters, he described Putin as a leader who has
control over his country.
Trump while speaking about Russia and Mr Putin's
position said:
''The man has very strong control over a
country, It's a very different system and I
don't happen to like the system, but
certainly, in that system, he's been a leader,
far more than our president has been a
Mr Trump repeated his claim that he opposed the
invasion of Iraq – despite the fact that he expressed
support for it in a 2002 interview and said that
after the US combat mission ended troops should
have remained in Iraq to "take the oil".
'It used to be to the victor belongs the spoils,"
he told NBC moderator Matt Lauer. ' If we
had taken Iraq's oil supply then ISIS would
not exist.'
The billionaire businessman suggested that he would
remove the top military officials who had been
advising Barack Obama, however, and usher in new
set of people.
"I think under the leadership of Barack
Obama and Hillary Clinton the generals have
been reduced to rubble," he said.
Mr Trump also said he felt he could get along with
the Russian president, and was glad to have received
a compliment from him.
"Well I think when he called me brilliant, I'll
take the compliment, okay?" Mr Trump said.
"Look, it's not going to get him anywhere.
I'm a negotiator."
Source: NBC

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